
4' x 6' framed
Amuzapalooza! Is a collaborative mural created by a global group of mosaic artists and donated to Providence Park Hospital, Novi, Michigan, USA
A 'jigsaw puzzle' that has drawn together with brilliant interpretation, abstract, contrast and colorful! Each piece is as separate and distinct as the artist who created it.
Each of the puzzle pieces was created as an abstract designed to highlight color & contrast using all glass materials including: stained glass, vitreous tile, tempered glass, dichroic glass, mirror, smalti, plate glass, glass rods, photos, glass, millefiori, and polished rocks.
Contributing Artists
Judy Adams
Stacy Alexander
Janet Althoff
Maria Alvarez – Lundie
Barb Arne
Christine Brallier
Dennis Brown
Cynthia Buhrig
Candace Clough
Susan Crocenzi
Michelle Curow
Lori Desormeaux
Lynn Dubnicka
Katie Flanagan
Ilona Fried
Elsie Fontaine Gaertner
Virginia Gardner
Pamela Pardue Goode
Edna Grainer
Kim Grant
Shawn Hayes
Patricia Helzer
Linda Hooper
Gretchen Kauffman
Eve Lynch
Eulavon Mallouf
Pat Mitchell
Lynne Mosiman
Junko Ota
Maria Peak
Donna Post
Gila Rayberg
Claire Roche
Jessica Sanders
Cindy Sbrissa
Rita Schelin
Agnes Spitzer-Greig
Suzanne Steeves
Kathleen M. Stewart
Crystal Thomas
Linda Vaden Martin
Susan Walden
Elena Weissman
Cindy White
Donna Wold